Sunday, June 24, 2012

lost...true story

lost...true story.
Well, it was summer time and we were on a long deserved vacation. And because Michael, my significant other, doesn't like to fly. We drove to Seattle, WA to visit my sister. I don't have to tell you how long this trip was. L.O.L- And one we promised each other we would never do again. Anyway, on the way there we stopped for gas. Oh, i forgot to seemed like we were, excuse me, like we were going to hell. Only, because the whole way there it was down hill. It was very weird! I digress. Michael got out of the car to fill up the tank. Out of the gas station comes who we think was one of the guys they made the Texas Chain Saw Massacre movie about. The man had what looked like blood on his shirt and there wasn't not one tooth in his mouth. Michael looked at me and I looked at him. Now, I'm sorry! But I did what any girl from the ghetto would have done. I locked the doors and shut the windows. Okay, I have to add just to let you know, a reflex did take over me. Haha- Through the closed windows I could here the man asking Michael, L.O.L. "Where are you folks headed." Listening, I think...don't tell him. Just then, barely reading Michael's lips, he doesn't skip a beat telling the crazy man our exact destination. Right then, it comes to me, I've got to teach him some survival skills. One would be don't tell a KILLER where your GOING. What an adventure that was. If you asked, in a word, how was driving across country? I would have to say-scary! Well, we finally made it there in one peace. And honestly, after arriving unharmed. We had a really good time. So, the day we're on our way back home. We get a call from Michael's mother. She tells us, my dog, lets call her Shirly, was lost. I began to pray and I tell God "I can't lose her, not now. No good bye, nothing! Please no!" I prayed. This dog was my life and she meant everything to me. And because of her it was easier to live in this world. I'm not kidding when I say "She was an amazing dog and she brought soooo much joy to my life. You get the picture? As you can imagine, with this call I felt a stabbing pain in my heart. Minutes later I get this unbelievable feeling of calm. I have no idea why. But at that moment I knew she would be found. Just then, I stopped worrying. I somehow was sure without a doubt I would find her. We stopped and slept in a gas station, after driving straight for miles. Michael wakes up quickly and tells me he...

Because I have written and plan for the last part of this story to become a children's book. I can not continue.

Long story short...we found her and she was then safely returned to my arms. A few years later she pasted away. But she will live on in my heart forever. I will remember her for the rest of my life. She was truely one of the best things that ever happened to me.

Rest In Peace Shirly...

By: China Meyers