We are touched by soo many people in our life time. I believe when someone touches you they touch your soul as well. Me personally, I try to never forget any of them. I have to say mostly, because of who they are. But also, what they come to mean to me. And most of all, what I've learned from them. I would say the person that touched me first, was my mother. Why you ask? Well...where do I begin? First, she was the most amazing person I've ever known. Don't judge me for what I'm about to say, but she wasn't a good mother. Honestly, I'm mad about that sometimes. But then I think, so what...realizing she was so much more then that.With that said, I have to add without a doubt she was a great human being with an unbelievable amount of humanity.She also entailed the best qualities a person could ever have. Definitely, the kindest person I've ever met and loved. Because of this, I know she sacrificed soooo much for seven kids. Her bad choices in men left her life with such struggles. Because I have so much of her inside me. I understand it wasn't easy for her. And that leaves me so grateful for who she was. Just to give you one example of the kind of person she was. Once a cousin of mine was sexually assaulted. Then not long after she found out she was pregnant. Her mother was going to put the daughter's baby up for adoption. My mother asked my cousin if she wanted her baby? Only Fifteen she said "yes, I do auntie" she said. Meanwhile, the baby was in a home waiting to be adopted. My mother and cousin, walked in the adoption home and took the baby with them. Because of my mom's courageous act, my cousin was able to raise her baby just like she wanted. I was blessed with five sisters and one brother. Now, I could go on and on with stories of people and how they touched my soul. But my soul mate, children and sister's and brother will never know how much they have touched and enhanced my life forever. Really, everyone I have ever met young and old has made me the person I am today. Because of who they are. You might not know this. But there are soooo many good people in this world. I can honestly say I know a lot of them. So, thanks to all of you. And know that your special touch has made me a better me. Please never forget the ones that have touched your life and has made you a better you.
Thank you,
China Meyers